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The Weatherley Centre Conditions of Hire

Definitions in the context of this Hire Agreement -

  1. TWC shall mean The Weatherley Centre, Eagle Farm Road, Biggleswade, Beds, SG18 8JH.

  2. The hirer shall mean the person who has signed this Hire Agreement.

  3. The Premises shall mean the areas of The Weatherley Centre which the hirer has agreed to hire.

Bookings and Payment

  1. All hire charges and deposits must be paid in advance, PRIOR to hire.  Hire times must include set up time and clearing away time (Please ask to see our hire charges listed separately.) N.B. Event hire must allow a minimum of 30 minutes for set up and 30 minutes for clear up in their hire period.

  2. Provisional bookings will be held for 7 days only from date of enquiry.  If a booking form and deposit are not received within 7 days, the provisional booking WILL be removed from the diary without further notice.

  3. Hall hire charges for block bookings will be invoiced on the first working day of each month.  PAYMENT MUST BE MADE BY THE DUE DATE ON THE INVOICE, OR YOU WILL BE SUBJECT TO A LATE PAYMENT FEE.  Single booking hall hire charges should be paid at the time of booking or at least two weeks prior to the event.  BACS payment is preferred.

  4. A £75.00 NON - REFUNDABLE deposit is required with a booking form to secure any party/ function booking.  The deposit will then be deducted from the total cost of the booking.

  5. A £400.00 NON - REFUNDABLE deposit is required for a wedding.  The deposit will then be deducted from the total cost of the booking.

  6. Please see separate listings for our hiring costs. Special occasions, such as New Year Bookings and Christmas Bank Holiday bookings will be considered but will incur additional charges.

Please Note: Hire charges and conditions will be reviewed on a yearly basis and events booked after this date will be charged at the revised cost.


  1. You are required to give 28 days’ notice to cancel any block booking, or 24 hours’ notice to cancel a single booking, or you will still be liable for the hire charge.

  2. The Manager reserves the right to cancel any booking if the hirer breaks any of the conditions.   It is at the Managers discretion to change or amend the terms and conditions of hire at any time without prior notice, although we will do our best to inform all hirers beforehand.  We endeavour to honour all bookings.

  3. The Manager reserves the right to close the premises at any time for emergency or periodic maintenance and when the premises are required for public elections or similar events.  We will always try to give block bookers a month’s notice of closure.

Use of the Premises

  1. The closing hours of the building are 23.00hrs Sunday - Thursday and 24.00hrs on Friday/Saturday.  All music and/or dancing MUST STOP prior to these times and must comply with the Indoor Entertainment’s Licence. The Centre holds a Licence to cover you to play music publicly whilst you are in the Centre and if you are required to, you should hold your own personal music licence.

  2. Hirers MUST leave the Premises as found.  All furniture used is to be returned to its original position.  Please place all rubbish in the bins provided.  Setting up and tidying time MUST be included in your hire period – DO NOT ARRIVE EARLIER THAN THE HIRE START TIME STATED ON THE BOOKING FORM AS ENTRY WILL BE REFUSED.  ENSURE YOU VACATE THE PREMISES BY THE FINISH TIME STATED ON THE BOOKING FORM OR YOU WILL BE CHARGED.   Please close all windows and doors before you leave if you open them and ask a member of staff if you would like the radiators adjusting.  DO NOT use sticky tape on the walls, windows, floor or furniture.                               

  3. The Hirer is liable for the cost of any heavy additional cleaning, should this be necessary, and for any damage or breakages that may occur during the hire period. 

  4. All equipment hired can only be used within the facility and must not be removed.

  5. Any equipment brought into the building by the hirer must have passed relevant safety tests and be fit for purpose. Permission from the Manager MUST be sought before a hirer can bring in any equipment. Any accidents resulting from equipment brought into the building are the responsibility of the hirer.

  6. Bouncy Castles can only be brought in from approved suppliers who hold their own public liability.

  7. A Key Holder will usually be present at all times of your hire unless agreed with the manager that you can have keys and will arrive 5 minutes prior to your hire start time.

  8. Applications are only accepted from persons over 21 years old.

  9. Approval for the use of TWC by political parties shall be determined by the nature of the occasion.  Public meetings such as rallies will not be permitted.

  10. The Premises shall be used for community purposes only and shall not be used as the hirer’s postal address.

  11. No alterations or additions shall be made to the Premises without the written consent of the Trustees and any such work shall be completed at the hirer’s cost and to the Trustees’ approval.

  12. No advertising or publicity material will be displayed inside or outside the building without the prior approval of the Manager.

Health and Safety

  1. The Key Holder will show the hirer all fire exits and explain the fire procedures that are in place for the building PLEASE GIVE YOUR FULL ATTENTION WHEN THIS IS BEING EXPLAINED TO YOU. Fire safety notices are displayed in the building and written instructions including a floor plan displaying the fire exits are given to the hirer in a booking pack when a booking is made.

  2. Fire exits must not be obstructed in any manner.  It is the hirer’s responsibility to ensure that the fire procedures displayed in the building are communicated to their guests/clients.

  3. IT IS ILLEGAL TO SMOKE IN THE BUILDING and company policy to not Vape in the building therefore if you or your guests smoke/vape, you/they must only do so in the designated areas of the building and cigarette ends must be safely disposed of in the units provided.

  4. No fireworks (indoor or outdoor) are allowed.

  5. No hazardous liquid substances or items that may be a fire or safety risk are allowed, including tea lights and candles unless they are battery operated.

  6. No table sprinkles, sequins, confetti or poppers are allowed.

  7. All persons purchasing a hot drink, must ensure that they take responsibility to ensure that no other person or child is burnt, scalded or harmed.

  8. Hirers are responsible for their guests at all times whilst in the building and are responsible for ensuring their policies are relevant for the activity taking place and appropriately shared with their service users.

  9. Any booking working with families and children MUST have safeguarding policies and procedures in place and practice them. 

  10. Risk assessments are the responsibility of the hirer and as such the hirer needs to be satisfied that the space hired is safe and fit for purpose.

  11. Children are not allowed in the kitchen.

  12. Only staff are permitted to enter the kitchen, unless agreed by the Manager.

  13. No smoke machines or any other equipment that may affect the sensors are allowed.  If the fire alarms are triggered, the fire brigade will always attend, and hirers and all guests must evacuate the building.  If a false alarm is caused by the hirers, or their guests breach of the centre’s terms and conditions any related cost will be charged to the hirer. (This cost can be up to £1000)

  14. No betting, gaming or lotteries shall take place on the premises, except that are allowed by law and the hirer shall obtain any licence or certificate required, prior to booking the premises for such use.

  15. The hirer shall ensure compliance with all the relevant legislation, orders and regulations, in particular, that relating to music, singing and dancing. We hold an Alcohol Licence, so if you are requiring alcohol, you must obtain this from the bar provided, NO PERSONAL SUPPLIES ARE TO BE BOUGHT ONTO THE PREMISES. Anyone found or seen to be consuming their own alcohol will be asked to leave the Premises.  If alcohol is present, then the hirers are responsible for the action of their guests.  The licensee does not endorse the consumption of alcohol if children are present, or if guests are driving, so this is at the hirer’s discretion.  The licensee has the right to refuse the sale of alcohol to any person they deem to be underage without appropriate Identification or if someone appears to be already intoxicated.

  16. Hirers and guests must not cause annoyance or nuisance to local residents or adjoining occupiers by the playing of unreasonably loud music, being noisy on departure, parking in front of driveways etc. 

  17. Hirers who use any liquids substances, must check with the Manager first and provide the relevant COSHH sheets. This includes, paints, glues, cleaning products, snow machines, bubble machines etc.

  18. With the exception of assistance dogs, no animals will be allowed on the premises, unless agreed by the Manager.

  19. Block Bookers’ Public Liability Insurance Certificates must be shown, and a copy held by the Centre.

  20. TWC insurance DOES NOT cover the hirer’s property and equipment.  Items left or stored at TWC are done so at the hirer’s own risk and TWC takes no responsibility for any loss or damage.

We are proud of our community facility, so ask that you always remain respectful.

We welcome your comments and feedback, so that we constantly strive to improve our service to the community.

By proceeding with the booking you confirm you understand the terms and conditions and agree to abide by them.


The Weatherley Centre Parking Arrangements


Dear Hirer,


The Weatherley Centre provides 74 free parking spaces plus 4 disabled parking spaces, 2 by the front door.


Car Park directions:  If entering from Eagle Farm Road drive through the school car park, the Weatherley centre will be in front of you and the car park is to the left of the front of the building.


Please arrange for your guests/students/clients etc to be made aware that the parking option for them is within our car park.  If your attendees park outside of our car park, they will fall under the restrictions of the area they have parked in.  Please remind them to park in the allocated spots and with consideration to other users.


If your attendees are hiring a table or stall as part of a fair/show/sale etc please could you ask them to park near the building to unload and then to park at the rear of the car park or offsite to ensure we have space for the guests of the fair/show/sale.


We are not permitted to park in the school car parks and premises.  The school are operating a barrier car park and wheel clamping.


The Weatherley Centre car park is locked up overnight, at periods of the weekend and school holidays.


Any vehicles that need to be left overnight should be informed and arranged with the consent of the centre manager.


The side gate is for pedestrians and has high volumes of footfall at certain times of the day, please adhere to low-speed limits to avoid accidents.


The trustees of the Weatherley Centre accept no responsibility for damage or loss of any vehicle and contents parked within the car park.


                      ANPR Car Parking Arrangements


The Weatherley Centre car park is provided free for hirers and their attendees/guests.  An ANPR system has been installed recently to ensure that these spaces are readily available for the patrons of the Weatherley Centre.


Information for all

All users of the car park must register their car when attending the centre.  There will be QR codes in every room for you to scan on your mobile phones and provide your details for parking. (In the corner of the main notice board is the Wi-fi details if your signal is not available in the centre).


There will also be a tablet located in the corridor in front of the large notice board to type your car registration into. 


If staying on site you do not have to input your details immediately on arrival.  The car registration must be validated before leaving the car park.  If dropping off and coming back please follow the instructions below.


For Long term hirers of meetings/clinics/classes

Please provide the vehicle registrations for the main hirer and their set up team.  If your vehicle or number plate changes it is your responsibility to inform us so this can be updated.  If you are using a temporary vehicle you will need to input the registration details into the tablet or use the QR code whilst you are using this vehicle.


Please ensure that all your attendees are aware that they will need to validate their parking even if dropping off or sitting in their vehicle every time they use the car park.  If you could announce this every time in case you have new members that are unaware and as a useful reminder.


For event hirers or one-off hire

You will need to input your vehicle registration and advise all of your suppliers and guests that they need to validate the parking as previously described.


For people that sit in their cars whilst awaiting for attendees

On dropping off the attendee you will need to register your vehicle using the QR code which will be on display at the door that you drop off.  If you are unable to use the QR code, please speak to the organiser.  Once your vehicle is registered you can wait in your car until departing.


For people that drop off and collect attendees

-        If you are doing one visit only to the car park and your drop off time is less that 15 minutes you do not need to need to validate your parking 

-        If you are dropping off and it takes longer than 15 minutes you need to validate your car registration before exiting the car park

-        If you are dropping off and returning later to collect the attendee, as long as you are in the car park for less than 15 minutes each visit, you do not need to validate your parking.


If you have forgotten to input your car registration/ car registration was typed in incorrectly/receive a fine


Please contact the Weatherley Centre via with the details so we can assist. In your email please provide a copy of the front page of the fine letter and what event you attended.


If your vehicle has broken down or is staying overnight (pre-agreed by Centre Manager) please let a member of staff know.


Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some questions that we are often asked, everyones needs are different and there is never a question that should not be asked. If you can not find the answer to your question below please feel free to contact us.

Can I have a bouncy castle on site?


Bouncy castles are permitted on site, the supplier needs to provide a copy of their public liability insurance and your booking needs to allow time for assembly and clear up.


Can I have a bouncy castle in the car park?


For safety reasons this is not permitted. If you require an outside option, we have a fenced off garden to the rear of the Grand Hall.


Can we bring our own alcohol?


We offer a fully licensed bar on site. To fulfil our licensing requirements only alcohol purchased from here is allowed to be consumed on the premises.


Can we leave vehicles on site overnight?


The car park is locked overnight and at times only opened when the venue is in use. We can allow cars to be left on site, but this is with prior arrangement with the manager.


What time can we enter before our event?


Your hire starts from the start time on your booking form, a member of staff will allow you in no more than 5 minutes before.


Do I need Insurance for my guests?


You are not required to have insurance for your guests but if you are using any form of entertainer/bouncy castle/caterer/D.J. etc we require a copy of their public liability insurance prior to the event.


Do you have a music system?


We do not have a PA system; this would need to be arranged by the hirer.


Do we have to set up the hall ourselves?


Yes, is it the hirers responsibility to lay out the hall as you require from the supply of chairs and tables available. Alternatively, you can pay for set up which you would need to provide instructions for.


Do we have to clear up at the end of the hire?


It is the hirers responsibility to return the hall to the condition they found it in, including returning tables and chairs to their place of origin, gathering rubbish, sweeping, hoovering and removing any decorative items.


When do I have to pay for the hire of the hall?


The total balance of your hire is due 2 weeks before your event date


Do I need to provide a deposit if I make a block booking or become a regular hirer?


No deposit is required for regular bookings, you will be invoiced monthly for your fees.


Do we need to dispose of our own rubbish?


Gas canisters must be removed from the premises and disposed of appropriately by the hirer. All other rubbish is to be placed in black bags and left by the kitchen door for the staff to dispose of on your behalf.


The Weatherley Centre Fire/Emergency Action Plan


The fire alarm device for The Weatherley Centre consists of: manual call points and verbal instruction, shout “FIRE, FIRE”

Alarm call points are located: Adjacent to the fire exits

The assembly point is located: In the carpark by the rounded building

Action in the event of a fire or explosion:

  1. Raise the alarm. If you are not near an alarm device shout “FIRE” and give the location.

  2. Alert the Fire Brigade by telephone and inform anyone else in the building.

  3. Put the fire out if that is possible without putting yourself in danger/report your presence to A Senior member of staff at the assembly point.

Full details of the incident are to be passed to A Senior member of staff as soon as possible.

Action in the event of discovering a bomb (real or hoax)

  1. Raise the alarm. If you are not near an alarm device shout “BOMB” and give the location.

  2. Alert the Fire brigade by telephone and inform anyone else in the building.

  3. Report your presence to A Senior member of staff at the assembly point.

Full details of the incident are to be passed to A Senior member of staff as soon as possible.

Action on hearing the alarm:

  1. Evacuate the premises quickly and quietly via the nearest fire exit. Do not wait to finish a phone call or to collect personal belongings.

  2. Report your presence to A Senior member of staff at the assembly point.

  3. Do not re-enter the building until the senior fire officer declares that it is safe to do so.

Summoning the Fire Brigade:

The information that shall be required is as follows:

  1. Company name: The Weatherley Centre

  2. Address: Eagle farm road, Biggleswade, Bedfordshire. SG18 8JH

  3. Telephone number: 01767 220577

  4. Brief details: e.g. Fire in the Grand hall.       





       Fire Exit

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